Saturday, September 18, 2004

BBA Games 2004

The Fourth Annual BBA Games, held on a not-too-cold, not-too-hot Friday afternoon (9/17/04), were a complete success, at least in the eyes of this observer.

After getting everyone through registration, the games began with competitions among the sections. There was the world's largest kickball games, with dozens of fielders spread throughout the outfield. A couple beach volleyball games were being contested with the ball only going over onto the railroad tracks a couple of times. Sections were also competing in football and ultimate frisbee. A jousting pit was available for those students with some real agression to take out on their "friends".

While this was going on --- actually, during all events throughout the day --- the recruiting tents were filled with lines of students and tables of interested companies. Students got plenty of loot as well: lunch, a BBA Games t-shirt, a Nalgene bottle, lots of software from Microsoft, and the big giveaway, an X-box from Microsoft.

A big "thanks" should go out to Mike Phillips and all others involved with putting on such a well-run event.

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